let your heart be kindled by kindness

Today I re-started bike commuting. I love taking the bus and listening to audiobooks and podcasts, but now public schools are in session and the first half of my commute features a tightly-packed crowd of high-schoolers. And our covid rates are high right now.

I was #418 across Tilikum Crossing this morning, a higher count than I’ve seen for awhile. The last hill up to campus is steep for me, so I was walking my bike up the sidewalk when a guy yelled, “Nice helmet!” and pulled up wearing the same model I was– Nutcase, navy with white polka dots, and the first exact match I’ve seen in the wild.

navy-blue bike helmet with white polka dot pattern

Then he asked if my bike was okay. I thanked him and said yeah, I’m just out of shape! He rode away effortlessly up the hill on his acoustic cargo bike. Respect.

Anyway, bike commuting shows me a lot of kindness from people. From drivers too.

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